Wednesday, June 8, 2011

White Chocolate Mousse

Be prepared for lots of whipping...This is good for when you have had a really bad day, you get to whip something and eat chocolate... hehehe...


350 ml Cream
150 gm White Chocolate
4 Egg Whites
2 Tbs of Sugar

Heat the cream over medium heat just until it boils.
Take cream off the heat.
Add chocolate in a medium bowl.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and whip until melted and smooth and cool down completely in the refrigerator

When it has cooled, whip it into fluffy, soft peaks. Return to the refrigerator.

Then whip the egg whites until soft peaks form, then add  2 Tablespoons of sugar and continue whipping until glossy and stiff.

Lastly, you need to combine the two by folding the egg whites into the white chocolate mixture, and then spoon the mixture into glasses, I have used the Martini Glasses again as it looks so nice, I grated some white chocolate over the top aswell

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